Africa's First Salsa Congress: A Wasted Opportunity?

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Check this is taken from a link advertising an upcoming Salsa Congress in Africa! "Organising a Salsa Congress is never easy, but organising one in Africa is always going to present some unique opportunities to combine salsa and tourism. It is also going to present some unique salsa backdrops. Nigeria is most likely the birthplace of the clave and is the home of the Yoruba people. Nigeria is also the place from where the Ifa religion (Orishas) originates." "With the 1st Africa Salsa Congress we hope to bring a bit of an African flava to a Salsa Congress and at the same time hope to be a catalyst for the expansion of salsa throughout Africa. Our intention is that every year the Africa Salsa Congress will be held in a different African country; provisionally we have Nairobi (Kenya) 2007, Accra (Ghana) 2008, and Cape Town (South Africa) 2009." "In its inaugural year, the Africa Salsa Congress will take place in the purpose built capital of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

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