In order to access the USA Dance LA Subgroup, you must have a user account and be a member of this group.
If you do NOT already have a user account
You will need to create a user account. As part of this process, you will see a "Groups" section on the "Create new account" form. In the "Groups" section of this form, you will see a checkbox next to "Subscribe to USADance-LA. (approval needed)". You will also see a box to enter a "Group registration code".
If you have been given a "Group registration code" for the USA Dance LA Subgroup, enter it into this box as part of completing the account creation form. If the code you enter is correct, you will automatically be subscribed to the USA Dance LA Subgroup when your account is created.
If you do NOT have a registration code, then place a check in the checkbox next to "Subscribe to USADance-LA. (approval needed)". A subscription request will be sent to the administrator of the USA Dance LA Subgroup. When you are identified as a member of USA Dance LA, your subscription will be approved.
Follow these instructions to create a new user account:
If you DO already have a user account
You will need to log in with your user account and request a subscription to the USA Dance LA Subgroup. Once logged in, navigate to the site "Groups directory". This can be done by clicking on the "Groups" link in the main navigation menu, or the "Groups" link in the Central Ave Dance web site banner. Clicking on either one of these will take you to the "Groups directory".

If you have a Registration Code
One of the tabs you will see on the "Groups directory" will be titled "Enter registration code". If you have been given a registration code for the USA Dance LA Subgroup, click on this link.

In the "Enter registration code" window, you will see a box titled "Group registration code". Enter the code you have been given here, then click on the "Submit code" button. If the code you enter is valid, you will be automatically subscribed to the USA Dance LA Subgroup. You will receive a message indicating that you have been subscribed to the group, along with a link to to the group home page.
If you do NOT have a Registration Code
From the "Groups directory" page, click on USA Dance LA link to get to the group home page.

On the USA Dance LA Subgroup home page, you will see in the left column a link titled "Request subscription". Click on this link.

In the "Additional details" box, you should provide some evidence of your membership in USA Dance LA. Click on the "Subscribe" button to submit your request. At this point, your request will be submitted to an administrator for approval. You will be notified via email when your subscription request is approved.